Sunday, August 23, 2009

Old Memories Vs. New Memories Retrospective

So as I posted earlier while I was out in Maui I saw an old friend of mine, and debated the idea of new memories vs. old memories. So I gave the situation time to digest and now im writing this blog. So I met this girl in the summer of 2007 and we became great friends; hanging out for 2 weeks and sharing great memories. However, the vacation ended and we stayed in touch, but eventually stopped talking. Not because we were mad at each other, but the both of us just got caught up in our own lives. So this past August I was out in Maui, and I saw here yet again. At first I was scared to reintroduce myself, scared of getting blown off, and ruining my image of our previouse time together. However, I soon said hello, and we were catching up in no time. Yet things were not the same. Yes we reminised about our previouse adventures and caught up in reguards to our own lives, but something was not the same. I felt that both of us had weird expectations for the reunion, maybe recapturing the old fun we both used to share, and that never happened. So in reguards to old memories vs. new memories their is no clear winner. The old memories will never be out done just because they ended on such a high note, but at the same time it was really nice to see her again. Feel free to sound off in the comments section to speak about my conclusion.

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